All about proper nutrition for weight loss

the essence of good nutrition for weight loss

Maintaining health and ideal weight is the result of a properly structured diet. If you find a suitable food system for yourself and at the same time learn the most important rules for losing weight, you can achieve harmony and maintain it throughout your life, no longer getting tired with diets and heavy physical activity.

The essence of nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition is a lifestyle. It is a food intake system to keep your body healthy and young. The basis of proper nutrition is not to harm the body, but to nourish all vital systems for stable and complete work.

There is no single formula for proper nutrition. Dozens of very different systems prove their suitability, so when choosing one, you can proceed from individual characteristics. For example, for people in the northern and southern regions, food systems will be different, because temperature conditions and regionalism dictate their own conditions.

Therefore, many factors influence the creation of the ideal system of proper nutrition, especially for the purpose of weight loss:

  • Age characteristics;
  • Limited health condition;
  • Sex differences;
  • Degree of obesity;
  • Geographic factor;
  • Allergic restrictions;
  • Taste preferences;
  • Metabolic rate;
  • The degree of physical activity;
  • Religious beliefs.

Nutritionists denote a balanced selection and distribution of foods, taking into account the required calorie content, as well as an equal amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins, with a correct diet for weight loss. However, due to the fact that everyone has their own characteristics of the body, this balance is always calculated individually.

Nutritional systems for weight loss

The most vital nutritional systems have been shown to be:

  • Separate power supply.This is not a diet, but a way of eating, the essence of which is the separation of carbohydrates and proteins in separate meals. A scientist from the Herbert Shelton School of Natural Hygiene has written extensively on this, based on the fact that our stomach creates its own acid-alkaline environment for meat and vegetable (grain) products, and mixing two types of these products meansinterrupt the rhythms of the body. Numerous studies have shown that separate nutrition during the long-term restructuring of the body gives amazing results that affect not only weight normalization, but also longevity.
  • Ducan's power supply system.Despite the fact that the Dukan nutrition system is presented as a diet, it can also be called a lifestyle, because the duration of nutrition extends for many years. The essence of such a diet is to choose foods for food based on their glycemic index, while it is necessary to give up alcohol, coffee, refined and canned foods, which ultimately is the right approach to choosing foods.
  • Lacto-vegetarianism.This is a type of vegetarianism with a predominance of plant foods, eggs and dairy products. Nutritionists around the world agree that this is the ideal nutritional system, as the body consumes enough protein while avoiding heavy meat.

These are not all possible nutritional systems, but the listed ones are considered the most universal, because they allow the balance of all nutrients for the body.

The basics of nutrition to lose weight

The proper nutrition system is designed to keep the body at a high quality of life. But how can you use it to correct weight and improve organ function?

Many people think that it is enough to only reduce calories to see results, but this is one factor and it is far from the most important. It is also not always enough to choose the "right" foods. Losing weight on the system of proper nutrition is a culture of new habits that will take root after a month of practice, so you need to create a basic complex of what you can and cannot.

As nutritionists say, losing weight can do anything, but in moderation. This rule should be taken as a basis.

To lose weight, you can't build nutrition on restrictions. Not all healthy people are able to resist them, so there is no need to talk about people with obesity or low metabolism.

Balancing proper nutrition to lose weight is based on three pillars:

  • The predominant amount of protein or slow carbohydratesin the diet, depending on the characteristics of the organism. To understand, on what weight is best lost, it is enough to conduct a small test in 2 days for two weeks. On the first day of the first week, you need to eat only protein foods with a small addition of grains and vegetables in a ratio of 80 to 20. On the first day of the second week, do everything exactly the opposite, where slow carbohydrates will be the predominant foods. We need to see what kilograms go by faster. If in your case it is better to use proteins for weight loss, then the nutritional system should be built on their predominant amount in the diet.
  • Replace fast carbohydrates with slow ones.It is believed that carbohydrates are only sweet and starchy foods. But there are people who don't like and don't eat sweets, but at the same time they are still obese. The insidiousness of fast carbohydrates is not only found in pies, but also in dumplings, fried cutlets and alcohol. Fast carbohydrates are always high in calories, high glycemic index and act on the body by a rapid rise in blood sugar. It is not necessary to give up favorite sweets and dishes, it is enough to replace fast carbohydrates with slow ones and you can continue to eat pancakes and kebabs, but at the same time lose weight constantly.
  • Selection of natural products.Excess weight, along with a whole host of related diseases, appears to be due to unnatural products. The aggressive heat treatment with the addition of preservatives E and especially with the addition of sodium glutamate (a kind of brain drug) makes the product completely useless: empty calories. The taste is masked by chemicals and sugar, but in reality the body remains hungry, because from food it could not derive trace elements essential for life. Therefore, the juice in the pack is chemical and the freshly squeezed juice is natural vitamins.

The main nutritional rules for weight loss

principles of proper nutrition for weight loss

Regardless of the nutritional system chosen for losing weight, there are universal rules that cannot be ignored. Even if you have not yet decided on a new way of life, the nutritional rules for weight loss can be introduced now.

Always have a hearty breakfast

We have high sugar levels in the morning and therefore don't want to eat. Losing weight thinks this is a great excuse to starve and limit yourself so you can eat less later. But this is a trap: in the evening, due to the sugar increases, you will eat several times more than you should. It is because of the lack of sugar that many make nocturnal forays into refrigerators. Breakfast should always be as rich as possible of all meals.

Get used to fractional eating

This is a very important rule for overweight people. Fractional nutrition, and this is considered to be nutrition every 3 hours, does not allow for a sharp drop in blood sugar, which means there will be no wolf hunger and digestive problems. Of course, the quality of food plays the most important role, but choosing the right food will be of no benefit if the break between meals is 4-5 hours. As a result, you will eat several times more and stretch your stomach.

Everything "forbidden" at the beginning of the day

Overweight people are addicted to sugary foods and carbohydrates. It is quite difficult to refuse it, but it is not necessary to completely forbid yourself from doing it - just remember moderation. If you want to eat something with fast carbohydrates, then you can afford them, but only in the first half of the day, preferably before 11 am. This is due to the fact that in the first half of the day our metabolism is faster and by the end of the day. some kind of load is still expected, so the "forbidden" will not affect the figure so much.

Never starve

Unless it is a curative fast under the supervision of specialists, fasting is prohibited. This is what leads to weight gain, breaks down metabolism and aggravates digestive problems.

The best slimming products

products for proper nutrition

The right foods in the diet of a person who is losing weight are fresh and natural products. If their content in the diet is 80%, then you can already start losing weight from this.

This includes:

  • fresh, raw or, if necessary, boiled vegetables;
  • fresh and natural fruits (from the gardens) of their region according to the season;
  • nuts and dried fruit without preservatives.

Almost everything from animal products is allowed, but the processing method is taken into account here: stewing and baking:

  • fish and seafood;
  • lean meats (chicken breast, turkey, beef, veal).

If there are no allergic reactions, the following are added to the diet:

  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat;
  • eggs.

Menu for a week and a month to lose weight

To start healthy eating, try starting a week. In 7 days, you will already see the results that are reflected not only on the figure, but also on the state of health.


  1. Orange, 2 hard-boiled eggs, tomato;
  2. Toast with cheese, lettuce and tomato;
  3. Baked chicken with cucumber;
  4. A glass of kefir;
  5. Fish with vegetables.


  1. Portion of cottage cheese with raisins and nuts;
  2. 2 apples;
  3. Steamed vegetable soup and cutlet;
  4. 1 egg;
  5. New potatoes with vegetable side dish.


  1. Grapefruit, chicken meatballs with vegetables;
  2. A handful of cherries;
  3. Baked chicken garnished with vegetables;
  4. A glass of fermented cooked milk;
  5. Steamed fish with vegetables.


  1. Fruit smoothie with seeds, boiled chicken;
  2. Orange;
  3. Carrot puree soup and buckwheat porridge;
  4. Portion of cottage cheese;
  5. Chicken and vegetable salad.


  1. Banana, 2 hard boiled eggs;
  2. Cheese and tomato toast with lettuce;
  3. Baked chicken breast with fresh vegetable salad;
  4. Homemade yogurt;
  5. Steamed cutlets;


  1. A handful of grapes. Steamed fish with vegetables;
  2. Banana;
  3. Vegetable puree soup;
  4. Portion of cottage cheese;
  5. Chicken breast with salad.


  1. Apple, toast with cheese and tomato;
  2. Cabbage and cucumber salad;
  3. Baked vegetables and 2 eggs;
  4. A glass of kefir;
  5. Steamed fish with vegetables.

Proper nutrition for a month to lose weight

To plan meals for a full month, use the following dietary matrix:

  • Breakfast:any product based on fruit + proteins with carbohydrates in a ratio of 80: 20;
  • First snack:any fruit or any combination of vegetables;
  • Lunch:vegetable or cereal flour with a protein product in a ratio of 50: 50;
  • Second snack:dairy products or carbohydrate products of your choice;
  • Dinner:protein product with vegetables in the ratio 80: 20.

After dinner, a snack is allowed, but it must be a low calorie dairy product, for example, a glass of fermented cooked milk or kefir.

Also, don't forget to replenish your body fluids throughout the day.

Recipes for proper nutrition to lose weight

The cooking options are varied, but the predominant methods are baking and stewing.

Baked chicken breasts

  1. Chicken meat is dipped in kefir with delicate delicate spices for 20 minutes;
  2. Bake for 15 minutes on each side in the oven.

Steamed cutlets

  1. Lean minced meat combined with finely chopped onion and raw egg;
  2. Cutlets are made from minced meat;
  3. Prepare in a water bath.

Baked fish

  1. Pieces of any fish are lightly seasoned with delicate spices;
  2. The onions are cut into slices and mixed with the fish;
  3. The dish is cooked in a slow cooker in "Bake" mode for 40 minutes in olive oil.

Vegetable puree soup

nutritional recipes for weight loss
  1. Diced carrots and onions, lightly sauteed over medium heat;
  2. Cooked cooked peas combine with vegetables;
  3. The mixture is rolled in a blender;
  4. The dish is served with aromatic herbs.

To lose weight, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with strict diets. Just think of an individual nutritional system with a balanced content of all essential nutrients. Adhering to the chosen scheme, you can not only lose weight, but also eliminate the yo-yo effect forever, constantly maintaining thinness without effort.